Last night started off really good, Anika slept from 7:30 to 12:15 and then 12:30 to 3:30. Unfortunately she decided that 3:30 am was a great time to start the day, early bird gets the worm I guess! I was so excited about her long stretch of sleep in the beginning of the night that I couldn't sleep, I kept looking at the clock and waiting so I only got three hours of sleep. But I feel like we might be turning a corner (fingers crossed!!). She had been getting progressively worse by the night, going from three hour stretches to two to one and a half and lately every hour waking up, last night gave me hope! I was really starting to think there was no light at the end of the tunnel, I felt like I might never sleep again. I know we have a long way to go but at least I know that there is hope and one day I will sleep again.
Found my way from SITS - hope you are having a great SITS day!
So, take it or leave it (and I don't know your situation since I JUST made my way over here) BUT my 6 year old son rarely sleeps through the night. He was diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder at the age of 3.
Anyway, we get him cranialsacral therapy and it is THE ONLY thing that works. After a CST session we usually get at least 2 weeks of sleeping through the night.
I know your little one is still young, but it might be worth looking harm in trying right? We need the sleep too!!
Good luck to you!
Oh, I'm so glad for you. I remember those consistent sleepless nights and don't miss them one bit. I'm not sure that they ever really go away because kids get sick no matter how old they are, but it definitely gets better. Hang in there. ;)
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