Monday, November 10, 2008

My sister and I were having a conversation last night on the way to buy a bottle of wine, that was obviously needed, for the evening. It went like this:

Sis: I am so old
Me: No you're not

Sis: I'm 30 and I don't have anything
Me: At least you're about to graduate law school, and then you'll have a law degree

Sis: At least you have a baby, I'm 30 and I don't even have a husband OR a baby
Me: At least YOU'RE not memorizing the ingredients to guacamole and 48 other AWESOME menu items for your AWESOME new waitress job!

Sis: Yea I guess you're right, that DOES suck.
Me: Thanks.

And THAT is why I'm going back to school in 2 weeks :)


Meaghan said...

Good for you! Im so excited for all the great things you have been doing. You and Anika are going to have such an adventure and i am so glad to be hear so that I can be a part of it :)

Your Sis

Lisa said...

Your sister is right. You're baby is ADORABLE!

What is your major?

Danyele Easterhaus said...

really funny...

Scary Mommy said...

Well, that's a great start!! And your daughter could not possibly be any cuter!

Anonymous said...

Haha, funny! Good to you going back to school! I really want to, but I will have 2 kids under 2 before too long and probably NO spare time! BTW, thank you for your lovely comment on my blog! Your daughter is precious also. My Dakota is 13mos! :)

Hey Harriet said...

Haha! Good luck with going back to school! Sounds like a good plan!

Also, I'm a member of BrisStyle & wanted to say thanks for putting a link to our giveaway in your sidebar! :)

Anonymous said...

Good luck with school!
I just finished my application to go back next year... Cross your fingers for me.

I love the picture of your daughter on your header - adorable.

Anonymous said...

The grass is always greener....