Thursday, September 25, 2008

If One More Person Tells me to "Just Sleep When the Baby Sleeps" I'm Going to Punch Them in the Face!

Although I truly do appreciate the advice and I understand that people are just trying to be helpful, I have found there are several very serious problems with this plan:

1. I know that sleeping is essential to my well being and survival but there are many other daily activities that also fall into this category; a few of those being: eating, showering and brushing my teeth.

2. I am so jacked up on caffeine there is just no way I could even think about a nap during the day. I have considered the fact that maybe I should cut back on the coffee and take a nap here and there but this would be at the expense of my daughter's well being since I can't even think straight or function, let alone care for an energetic, very mobile 7 month old without large amounts of caffeine.

3. My daughter's idea of a nap is 30 minutes followed by a battle between her and I to get her back to sleep. I cannot bear the idea of falling asleep only to be awoken by a crying baby just 30 short minutes later. That is just cruel and unusual punishment, I would rather stay awake and be tired than be teased with a mini nap.

So please, the next time you come across an obviously sleep deprived mother resist the urge to ask her if the baby is sleeping through the night yet, and definitely hold back from saying just make sure you're sleeping while the baby sleeps.

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

Oh, so true!

I hope this passes soon and that you can start getting the much needed rest you deserve! Hang in there.

BTW, coming over thru SITS!